I’ve had Africa on the brain lately. A dear friend brought home their little girl a few weeks ago and I finally got to meet her yesterday (yeah!). In celebration of her arrival, I made this little embroidery to hang in her nursery. The chick and I found this book called Little Treasures: Endearments from Around the World and absolutely fell in love with it. It’s basically a little fun dictionary of things people from around the world call their children. When I saw the page with Ethiopian endearments, I knew I had to do something with it. I’ve loved this little pouty girl since the first time I stitched her way back when and there is nothing more fun that making a bunch of little french knots! This is also the first time I’ve attempted to shade in an embroidery with pencils too and I’m loving the end results.
I also had a request via etsy to make an embroidered charm of Africa with a heart over Ethiopia. I think it turned out great…hope she did too!
Filed under: embroidery, etsy Tagged: adoption, embroidery, ethiopia