Here’s an update on what I’ve been busy with these last few weeks…
A set of Mo Willem’s pigeon themed items…
ornaments for your tree (or your teacher’s tree!)
clutches (and introducing a new smaller size)
custom onesies for a gift order
new packaging for my advent calendar/christmas countdown sets
color your tree with an initial for everyone in your family
part one of a set of embroidered moleskin journals
peace-hope-joy-love ornament set
Most of these items are only available locally. I will be at the Maryville Farmer’s Market Holly Days tomorrow morning from 9-2 and all of these items will be available there. It is part of the Christmas open house for the town of Maryville. All the local shops are running specials all day.
And then I will be at the Christmas Fair at Fellowship Church in Knoxville in early December. If you aren’t local and see something you can’t get in the shop, just email me or join my facebook page and we can figure out how to get the perfect gift to you!
Filed under: crafting, embroidery, etsy, holidays Tagged: embroidered moleskin journals, embroidery, felt ornaments, hoop art, hoop ornaments, mo willems, pigeon drive the bus